A Sweet Joy Filled Nigerian Baby Dedication

Gbeke’s maternity session tops the list as one of my favorite sessions. And now, her baby girl has arrived!! It was sweet to photograph the joyous prayer filled dedication with her family at The Redeemed Christian Church of God, Heaven’s Glorious Embassy in Plano, Texas. 

Baby girl was lovingly held as the family danced to the front church.  I’m not quite sure who was smiling the most, but there was no shortage of joy!  

Get down Gbeke, this is a day of joy!

After a time of prayer, blessing, and dedication, we took a few formal photos.

Congratulations Femi and Gbeke!

Three generations here, talk about some wonderful genes!

Baby girl is in good hands with her mama and both grandmama’s!  She is well loved!

Gbeke, thank you so much for choosing me to photograph this special occasion. I pray for many more reasons to celebrate!